Parkinson’s Disease Support
-in and nearby-
The Villages, Florida
There may be no better place for someone with Parkinson’s disease (PD) to live than in or nearby The Villages, Florida. With 14 PD support groups, a PD Center of Excellence nearby, two hospitals minutes away, all of the medical specialists needed to manage the disease, and an active community with plenty of exercise and social opportunities, what more might one want? Of course, Florida also has great weather!
Explore our website. You will find many resources to help you and your care partner live a fulfilling life, regardless of the “diagnosis.” Join us. Come to one or more of our support groups. Get involved. Learn, exercise, be socially active, make new friends. You will be glad you did.
How to navigate this website
Navigating this site is easy. At the top of each page is a list, in alphabetical order, of site content. Click on any entry in the list. That will take you to that content. At the top of each content page, you will find the same navigation menu as this page. You can go to any other subject area from there or click “Homepage” to return to this page. To the right of the list of pages is a small blue magnifying glass. Click on it to open a search window. Enter what you want to search for, and you will be taken to the page(s) where the entry can be found.
When you use a smartphone, navigating to the content is slightly different. On each content page are three small parallel lines at the top-right. Click there and the list of content will appear. Click on any entry to go to the associated page. At the bottom of the list is a search box. Enter what you want to search for, and you will be taken to the page(s) where the entry can be found.
When you are on the go, it would be useful to have an icon on your smartphone that will take you directly to this website. Adding the icon is easy. Go to the Resources Page, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page until you reach “Website”. The instructions are there!
News Flash!
Table Tennis, Friday, February 21, will be on Saturday, February 22! Same time and place.
Ready to sign up and join a team for “Moving Day The Villages” which will be held on March 15? Come to the Bradenton Support Group on Thursday, February 20. See details below, in What’s Happening Now.
What’s Happening Now?
February 21-28, 2025
The Villages
Sunday, 10:00 – 11:15 a.m. , Walking Soccer @ the Everglades Soccer Field
For those with Parkinson’s disease, and their care partner.
Sunday, 1:30 – 3 p.m. @ Chatham Recreation Center
Popular with Couples. Sit/stretch plus exercise to music and BIG/LOUD plus education and support.
February 23, 50/50. The proceeds will be donated to the Parkinson’s Moving Day Event!
Folks often go out for late lunch/early dinner after the meeting.
Monday 9:30 -10:45 a.m. @ Tierra Del Sol Recreation Center
Mostly Men/Women Welcome. Sit/stretch plus exercise to music, discussion, and support.
Monday, 9:30 -10:45 a.m. @ Tierra Del Sol Recreation Center
Parkinson’s support group. Education and discussion. February 24th Open Forum.
Tuesday, 2- 3:30 p.m. @ Chatham Recreation Center
CZ Sobol’s Parkinson’s Network sitting and standing exercises.
Wednesday 1 – 3 p.m. @ Mulberry Grove Recreation Center
Popular with Couples. Exercise to music plus education, discussion, and support.
Thursday, 10:00 – 11:15 a.m. , Walking Soccer @ the First Responder’s Soccer Field
For those with Parkinson’s disease, and their care partner.
Thursday, February 27, 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. @ Eisenhower Recreation Center, McArthur Room
Care partner luncheon meeting. Bring your own lunch.
Our discussion will focus on: The Benefits of Helping Ourselves & Being Kind to Us!
Thursday 1:30 – 3 p.m. @ Chatham Recreation Center
CZ Sobol’s Parkinson’s Network sitting and standing exercises.
Friday (times vary) @ Golf Executive Courses between CR 466 and CR 466A.
Golfing for persons with Parkinson’s disease and their care partners.
Friday, 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. @ La Hacienda Recreation Center at Spanish Springs
Friday, February 21 event is rescheduled to Saturday, February 22, due to the closure of the recreation center on Friday. Same time and place.
Parkinson’s table tennis (ping-pong). For those with PD, and care partners.
For a complete list of all recurring monthly activities, check out the Support Group page.
Day Trips
Join others from our Parkinson’s community as we enjoy one-day trips to nearby cities and towns. It could be a care partner respite day for you or come as a couple. You make your own arrangements. It is recommended you sign up ASAP. These events are open to the public. They fill up quickly!
Click on the following for details.
Hollerbach’s Willow Tree German Restaurant & Downtown Sanford | Thursday February 27, 2025
Once you have a booking, Contact Us and in the message section, state Hollerbach’s restaurant, and the names of those going.
March Special Events!
Click here to go to the Moving Day registration website!
If you require the use of a golf cart to participate in the walk portion of the event, please click here to complete the Golf Cart Request Form to secure your spot. Space is limited and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
✅ Personal golf carts are not permitted this year, but the Parkinson’s Foundation will provide carts for up to 30 registered participants,
Want to get more involved with The Parkinson Foundation Moving Day walk? Our success cannot be accomplished without our wonderful volunteers! There are many areas to become involved. Please fill out the following form and you will receive a response from the PF team.
Parkinson’s Disease Resource Fair