The Villages Parkinson’s Disease Support Website Personal Information Protection Policy


This website is committed to safeguarding personal information. This policy outlines the principles and practices followed in protecting personal information.

Personal information means information about an identifiable individual. This includes an individual’s name, home address, phone number, age, sex, marital or family status, and so forth.

This website may be a conduit for the sharing personal information as follows:

  1. When a person requests to be added to The Villages Parkinson’s Weekly Newsletter via the Contact page. In this case, the requester is asked to furnish name, email address, home address, and telephone number, for the purposes of verifying that the person is appropriate for receiving the subject newsletter, and in adding that person to the newsletter’s distribution list.
  2. When a request for information about this website or the PD activities in or nearby The Villages is sent via the Contact page, any information provided, to include name, email address and that which might be furnished by the requestor, may be used to contact the requestor about PD-related activities and information both immediately and in the future.

It is the intent of the website administrator(s) that no information provided per the above will be sold or furnished to another organization without the consent of the furnisher of that information. There can be no guarantee that this will be the case as the administrator(s) of this website have no authority over those that publish the weekly newsletter or those who respond to a request for information via this website.

It is recommended that a person who prefers not to share any information via this website but does want to participate in The Villages and nearby Parkinson’s disease activities, visit one or more of the Support Groups to sign up for the Newsletter and to obtain other information as needed.

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